Denomination Amarone della Valpolicella Doc Classico
Name Piovesole
Year 2018
Production Region Sant’Ambrogio di Valpolicella (VR), frazione Conca D’Oro
Grape Varieties Corvina Veronese 40%, Corvinone 20%, Rondinella 25%, Croatina, Teroldego, Merlot, Molinara, Oseleta 15%
Harvesting Period From mid-September, depending on climate and variety. Manual harvesting in drying crates
Drying When the grapes are harvested, they are placed in boxes that guarantee excellent ventilation and taken to ventilated, climatically controlled premises: the fruttai. The grapes remain in the fruttaio for a period of 120 days. During this period, as the berries dehydrate, the concentration of sugars and polyphenols increases.
Vinification In January – February, after the drying period, the grapes are destemmed, crushed and vinified in steel tanks at a controlled temperature of 20° C for about 20-30 days. Alcoholic fermentation takes place with contact between the solid part (skins and seeds) and the must. During this phase, called maceration, the anthocyanins, aided by the formation of alcohol, leave the solid part and pass into solution. 
Refining In botti di rovere da 25 hl dove si ha una naturale microssigenazione con la stabilizzazione del colore ed evoluzione della componente aromatica. Successivamente il vino viene messo in bottiglia posta orizzontalmente per almeno 9 mesi per completare la formazione del bouquet.
Alcoholic Content 15,5  % Vol